Thursday 6 May 2010


This weekend will find me participating in a stitch-a-long hosted by one of the groups on Facebook. Each person works on a cross stitch project and posts pictures of their progress throughout the weekend. Everyone is invited to provide constructive comments for each other, and can even provide a bit of help for those who get stuck with their stitching. People from all over the world can participate because each of us is stitching in our own home - no travel involved.

I will be working on a new design so glimpses of it will appear there over the weekend. I know I won't have time to finish it because I stitch as I design and design as I stitch, thus making for slow progress. However, I'll probably keep posting pictures of my progress there as it develops over time. I'll try to do the same here, as a 'taster' of new designs to come. For obvious reasons, I can't show every new design this way but I thought it might help to show the process I go through to arrive at a finished design. I'm more likely to post pictures here after the weekend is finished so I look forward to your return at that time.

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